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Improve your production with Mineral Sales

To achieve and maintain the proper functioning of the body, cattle need to satisfy certain daily amounts of minerals for the formation of proteins, carbohydrates and fibers; In modern livestock, the feeding and nutrition of a herd is the main factor to achieve maximum production. Regularly, for economic reasons, cattle feed is […]

Coccidiosis in birds

Coccidiosis is a disease caused by protozoa of the genus Eimeria, these attack different parts of the intestine causing low weight gain, little pigmentation, diarrhea and in severe cases high mortality. There are several species of coccidia, however, three species are the most important due to their high prevalence and commercial importance. Eimeria acervulina This […]

Beak trimming in laying birds

Beak trimming, or also known as beak trimming in laying hens, is one of the practices currently used that benefits bird productivity and better animal welfare mainly for these three important reasons: Avoid cannibalism or feather pecking in birds. Prevent birds from wasting […]

Building the Road to a Healthy Liver

un higado sano

When we think about the importance of the liver, its impact on livestock health and animal welfare and on productive parameters, we sometimes underestimate it. The liver has many functions; We can say that it is the factory of the organism since the metabolism of most of the lipids, carbohydrates, […]

Disinfectants and their Rotation in Layer Farms

A fundamental part of biosecurity is determined by the processes to be carried out after the birds leave our farms, such as cleaning and disinfection. Disinfection is the activity that consists of the elimination or reduction of microorganisms that infect or can cause an infection in […]

Swine Food Safety

The most important responsibility of the pig farmer is to guarantee healthy and safe pork products, guaranteeing food safety is a complex task that requires each one to know the role that the other plays in the food chain. On the farm there are many factors that can affect the safety of food, so […]

Mineral Supplementation in Cattle

What is the reason why the cattle consume stone, earth or the wood of the corrals? This happens due to the deficiency of minerals that exist in the diet of the animals, this is frequent in extensive pasture-based livestock. Am I giving common salt, but the cattle continue to consume stone, […]

What is African swine fever?

African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious hemorrhagic viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, which is responsible for severe economic and production losses. It is caused by a large DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family, which also infects ticks of the Ornithodoros genus. Although the signs of African swine fever and swine […]

Increase in Food Costs due to Increase in Raw Materials

Use of exogenous enzymes: Carbohydrases, Proteases and Phytases In general, it is extremely important to remain competitive in animal production due to several factors, among which we can find a) Internal competition. b) Products imported from foreign markets. c) Smuggling. Balanced feed represents about 65-75% of the total costs of […]

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